Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Third Incarnation

I just had an article published in catapult magazine! The theme of this issue is "Wonder Years: Reflections on our memories from our teen years and the nature of being a teen-ager today."

I offered up a revised version of my essay about my 20th high school reunion, which was first published by the CCO's now-defunct Ministry Exchange, and then later posted here. I'm glad for the opportunity to share it with a broader audience.

I know my blogging volume has been on the low-to-nonexistent end lately. Themes from Amy's Lenten season 2006: mortality, brokenness, hope and trust. I'll try to flesh out these themes at a later date, but suffice to say, I've not felt compelled to send them into the blogosphere yet.

Meanwhile: I'm alive, I'm well, I'm hopeful, and I'm hanging onto the promise of the Resurrection. God is good — all the time.

1 comment:

tomzgrrl said...

Congratulations on being published in catapult (off to go follow the link!)

My mom told me y'day that we need to look for Resurrection everywhere.

Praying for you and for all. Hugs to my wonderful, brave, inspiring, faith-filled friend!