Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The delinquent blogger

So, I know I used to have a few faithful readers out there in cyberspace. I know this because some of you have pointed out, in one way or another, my blogging delinquency. I wonder if you check in any more? I have been delinquent for a long time.

I’ve been feeling the itch to change that, but as with most things, I’m not really sure where to begin. I need help.

If you are still out there, faithful readers, could you answer a few questions for me?

   1. Why did you, once upon a time, check in here so faithfully?
   2. If you still do, why? 
   3. What is it you’d like me to write about?
As you can see, I’m looking for a new starting place—a jumping-off point, as it were. Thanks in advance for your help! If you’re still out there… 

(So yeah. This is also an excuse for a social experiment. Is anybody out there? Anyone? Bueller?)


Sheryl said...

No comments to this, as I have been a horrible blogger, too.

Our bookshelves look remarkably similar, however...though a lot of the things you have there are in my "pending" pile. I'm hoping that starting a book group at church (we're reading Irresistible Revolution during Advent) will help me to conquer that ever-growing pile.

Amy said...

What's in your "pending pile," Sheryl? A few of the books in that photo are pending for me as well, although I've read 75% of them. Ish.

tomzgrrl said...

I read your blog because you have a way of writing that is faith-based without being a bully pulpit; I check back because I knew eventually you would have something to say again; I would like to hear your thoughts on books and life and faith and Pittsburgh and who you are by yourself and with others.

Your blog is the reason I seriously considered and then started mine.

I've missed you!

Katie said...

I found your blog it seems after you've stopped writing regularly but I still check often thinking the muse will strike. I just love it as a connection to YOU. Doesn't really matter WHAT you write about (not that that answer helps you focus of course!)

Amy said...

Many thanks for your feedback, ladies. The muse has shown up again, and I'm going to try to convince her to stick around for a while. Stay tuned...

Sheryl said...

Take this Bread is still pending - I started it but never finished it. I have both Donald Miller books, but haven't touched them - though I heard him speak this summer at our National Youth Gathering and was really impressed (the kids - not so much). And do you know that I've never read The Summer of the Great Grandmother. I have it, but I just never got around to it for some reason.

I've never heard of Mary Karr. Is she good?